
  • Need A Small Business Loan But Don't Know Where To Start? What To Know

    If you want to start a business but you already know that you will need a loan to get started, there are some things that you want to know before you apply for a loan. The banks will want to see that you have a serious and practical plan, that you will be responsible and capable of paying back the money, and that you are a potential business owner worth investing in.
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  • Make Banking More Comfortable And Convenient For Your Customers

    As a bank owner, you have a vested interest in the experience your customers have every time they walk through your building's doors. If customers aren't comfortable and their experience seems inconvenient, you may very well lose them to your competition. Following are a few things you can do to make banking with your company more convenient and comfortable for your customers: Provide Prime Time Incentives To help ensure that your bank lines don't get too long, identify prime times for transactions and provide incentives to customers who choose to bank at another time.
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  • Need Bail For Your Loved One? 4 Things You Need To Know Before You Proceed

    If your loved one has been arrested, and you want to get them out of jail as quickly as possible, you'll need to wait until bail has been set. Once your loved one has a first court appearance, the judge will set bail. That's when you'll be able to arrange for the release of your loved one. Before you begin the process, however, here are four things you should know about bail, such as:
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  • 4 Professionals To Talk To Before Selling Your Small Business

    Making the decision to sell your small business can be tough. However, if you have decided that it's the right move for you, you might be ready to get started with the whole process as soon as possible so that you can get it over with. Before doing so, though, it's smart to talk to a few pros who can help you with the process: 1. Accountant First of all, you have to think about your finances during this ordeal.
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  • 3 Important Things To Know About Internal Control Systems For Your Business

    If your company is growing and does not have an internal control system in place, you may want to consider hiring a forensic accounting firm to design and implement a system for you. Internal control systems are designed to reduce the chances of fraud taking place in an organization, and they are important for all types of companies. Here are three things you should know about internal control systems. What Is An Internal Control System?
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  • What Is Overdraft Protection And Is It Good For A Checking Account?

    When you open a checking account, one of the questions the bank may ask you is if you would like to enroll in overdraft protection. If you've never had a checking account before or never heard of overdraft protection, you may want to learn more about this feature before you agree to it or decline it. Here are three things you should understand about overdrawing your account and the way overdraft protection works.
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  • Don't Get Jipped – Weigh Old Gold Jewelry Before You Sell It

    Whether you're cleaning out your jewelry box or you're in a bind and need some money quick, selling old gold jewelry is a great way to get cash fast. To ensure you don' get jipped, you need to know how to properly weigh gold jewelry so you can estimate it's value. Once you have an approximate price value for your gold, you will know if you're getting a good deal or not when you sell it.
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  • Should You Use An Appraisal Management Company When Selling Your Home?

    If you've begun to take steps to prepare your home for sale, you may be nervous about the upcoming appraisal. Not only will this value assessment help determine your home's listing price, it will also set the maximum amount potential buyers will be able to borrow against your home without additional collateral. And with recent federal regulations governing "arms length" real estate transactions now being strictly enforced, many lenders have opted to partner with appraisal management companies (AMCs) to ensure that the appraised value of a home is truly accurate and verifiable.
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  • 3 Fast Cash Loan Options

    There are many different reasons why you might need a loan. If you need a loan to start a business, buy a home or buy a car then you have small business loans, mortgage loans and car loans at your disposal. However, there are moments when you don't need a loan for any large purchase, but you do need a loan fast, and conventional bank loans just won't do due to the processing time that it takes from the time you apply for your loan to when the cash arrives in your hand.
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  • Healthcare Costs Got You Worried? Make Your Money Go Farther With These Tips!

    Having health insurance is a great way to lower your medical costs, but it's not the only way. If your policy leaves a little to be desired, you don't have to settle for paying more than you want to pay. Instead, try one of these ways to minimize health expenses without skimping on care. Preventative Care Might Just Be Free Under the new healthcare guidelines set forth by the US government, your insurance policy might just get you free preventative care.
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